Canon @ Calle Libre 2022


Calle Libre is a festival for urban aesthetics that brings together today’s contemporary forms of graffiti and other forms of street art onto curated walls throughout the city. And the festival’s topic for 2022 was “Regeneration”, focusing on sustainability, communities, and art.

My role was to help Canon Austria showcase their positive contribution towards collective sustainability and interact with a very creative and active audience. All of Canon’s setup was created from previously used or reusable resources, so it ended being a fully interactive setup made of festival containers, pallet boxes, oil drums and gitter boxes. The design focused on creating a cozy urban square attracting visitor flows from all directions.

Canon’s huge logo together with an oil barrel sculpture behind it attracted crowds from distance and the area was soon crowded with visitors engaging with 5 activation areas.

Photos: Robert Lösch
Renderings & Modelling: Konstantina Angeletou
Concept & Design: Konstantina Angeletou
Project Management: revolvers creative GmbH & Konstantina Angeletou
Production: revolvers creative GmbH

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